Hats off to the Icogne town council!

Five council members and the council secretary from Icogne, the smallest of the three political municipalities on the Valais High Plateau, had a rather special idea to bid farewell to the ski World Cup management duo Marius Robyr and Hugo Steinegger. At the magnificent “La Scie Brûlée” picnic site, the politicians showed how, alongside their many official duties, they were also professionals when it came to barbecuing! At a friendly gathering, the president of the municipality, Martial Kamerzin, gave a fitting farewell speech, and presented Marius and Hugo with an original sculpture as a gift.

The honourees took the opportunity to warmly thank the entire town council, and in particular their committed chairman Martial Kamerzin for the much-appreciated support they have always given to implementing two major and very demanding projects, the Ski World Cup and the bid to host the 2027 World Championships, which has been key to the management duo’s success.